Freedom Essentials FAQs

Is there a hospital list for Freedom Essentials?

No. For your inpatient and day-patient treatment, you can choose any hospital or consultant from the UK or from anywhere in the world. For your outpatient treatment, you can have the hospital and consultant of your choice in the UK.

Do I get a cash benefit if treated on the NHS?

Yes, you get 50% of the fixed cash benefit you would normally receive if undergoing inpatient treatment in a private hospital. You can then use this sum of money in any way you wish.

How many times can I use the Freedom Essentials core cover every year?

There is no limit on the number of times you can claim. As long as the claim is eligible, you will receive the fixed cash benefit associated with that procedure. For examples of cash benefit amounts please see the Essentials Procedure Payment Guide.

Can I get treated outside the UK?

Yes, for inpatient and day-patient treatment. For this, you will need to arrange treatment as a self-pay patient in the hospital of your choice. Before treatment commences overseas, we need to receive a copy of the booking letter and all medical reports we ask for in order to validate the claim. We will also need a copy of the discharge summary before the fixed cash benefit can be paid. For more information see how to make a claim.

Can I add my family members to my policy?

You can add your partner and your dependent children living at the same address (up to the age of 25) to your Essentials plan. With our generous child pricing, family policies with three or fewer children will only pay for their first child. For our larger families, rest assured that the maximum charge is capped at four children.

What are the outpatient benefit options?

You have the option to select a £500 or £1500 limit which will apply to specialist fees and physiotherapy treatment. For all other benefits under this option, specific limits apply. For more information please see the Policy's Guide to Cover.

Can I use the outpatient treatment benefit abroad?

The outpatient treatment benefit is an optional add-on designed to be used only in the UK. However, if as part of outpatient treatment, you are advised to have inpatient treatment, this can be carried out anywhere in the world.

What happens if the actual cost of treatment is more or less than the cash benefit received?

If the cost of treatment is more than the cash benefit, you will have to pay the difference yourself. However, if it’s less, you can keep the surplus and spend it how you wish.

Does Freedom Essentials cover cancer?

Freedom Essentials doesn’t provide direct cover for the cost of cancer treatment in the same way a traditional private medical insurance policy would. However, it does offer a cancer cash benefit equal to 50% of the fixed cash benefit shown under the inpatient and day-patient benefit, plus £150 for each session of chemotherapy and radiotherapy given as part of a course of active cancer treatment.

Which hospitals can I choose for my treatment?

For your inpatient and day-patient treatment, you can choose any hospital or consultant in the UK or anywhere in the world. For your outpatient treatment, you can use the hospital and consultant of your choice from the UK only.

To help you decide, you can find information about the quality and cost of private treatment available from doctors and hospitals in the UK from the Private Healthcare Information Network.

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Our Freedom Essentials is a cost-conscious health insurance plan that can put you in control of your healthcare.

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